Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are You Kidding Me? Child Leashes...

A friend and I were in a store the other day when we stumbled upon one of those child leashes shaped like a teddy bear.  A conversation began, filled with insight and many jokes, about the type of parent who would use one of these.

We have all seen children out in public running around and misbehaving while parents ignore or encourage the behavior.  Some of us have fought the urge to intervene, while others made their opinion known.  Despite whatever undesireable behavior we may see in a child, can anyone in their right mind agree with putting a child on a leash?
A child on a leash demonstrates lacking skills on behalf of the parent NOT the poor behavior of a child.  It is inhumane, degrading, and down-right lazy to put your child on a leash.  Leashes were created to control domesticated animals...pets who at times lack decision-making capabilities to remain near their owners.  It is to protect the pet and those who come in contact with it.

So who's bright idea was it to apply this technique to toddlers?
I have a better idea, take the $25 you were going to spend on the leash and enroll in a parenting class!

Any thoughts?

The Truth About Infidelity (part 2) - So You Think You're A Sex Addict?

There appears to be an epidemic among the numerous celebrities identifying as sex addicts.  It has become commonplace for those caught having affairs to apologize, call themselves a sex addict, and go to rehab.  But what many don't know is the severity of such a diagnosis.  Making light of a diagnosable mental disorder by people who simply lack self-control is a slap in the face to the 3-5% of people in the U.S. who meet the criteria for sexual compulsion disorders (better known as sex addition). 

 What is sex addiction?

"The behavior of a person who has an unusually intense sex drive or an obsession with sex.  Sex and the thought of sex tend to dominate the sex addict's thinking, making it difficult to work or engage in healthy personal relationships" 

Sex addicts will attempt to justify their behavior through irrational means, making excuses and denying responsibility.  They engage in risky behaviors (unprotected sex, prostitution, exhibitionism, voyeurism), have the potential for breaking laws, and their behaviors get progressively worse.  Most sex addicts do not get sexual gratification from their behaviors. 

Other behaviors associated with sex addition:

  -excessive use of pornography/strip clubs
  -multiple partners
     (mostly anonymous one-night stands)
  -compulsive masturbation
  -phone/computer sex
  -obsessive dating through dating sites/want ads
  -sexual harrassment

Can it be treated?

Yes.  Sex addition is very similar to other addictions with regard to physiological, environmental, and emotional factors.  Addicts will participate in 12-step programs, individual and family therapy, behavioral therapies, and medication to treat their behavior.  

Do you think you may be a sex addict? Take the Male Sex Addiction Test or the Female Sex Addiction Test.  These tests do not diagnose sex addiction, but can be tools to determine if you need help.  

Need to find a therapist in your area?