Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Using 7 C's to Be More Authentic

Lately, my mother has been reciting phrases (which include a series of C-words) when talking about situations that she has no control over.  These phrases help her focus, regain her personal rights and be able to say no when confronted with the thoughts or behavior of others.  I found these to be very enlightening and will include them below.

When you find yourself in a situation that you cannot control, tell yourself:
  1. I didn't CAUSE it.
  2. I can't CURE it.
  3. I can't CONTROL it.
  4. I can help CARE for myself by COMMUNICATING my feelings,
  5. Making healthy CHOICES,
  6. And by CELEBRATING myself.
These are coping mechanisms from the National Association for Children of Alcoholics to combat fault and guilt found in children of alcoholics.  In my opinion, we all can adapt these statements to increase our coping with difficult people, stressful situations, and everyday issues that we cannot control.

Recite these everyday until they are memorized, then refer to them in times of need.