40% have ever dated a co-worker
32% later married a co-worker
35% of affairs occur with a co-worker
8% have a crush on a co-worker
Only a small amount (12%) of these relationships start outside of the workplace. Lunches, business trips, happy hours, and company parties are places where some romances blossom. The rest, overwhelming majority, begin during work hours.
If you are in the 8% considering an office romance, here are some things to consider:
Know the dating policy of your discipline and company: Many companies have rules that explicitly forbid fraternization while others may have "gray areas". Get clarification of rules and consequences before you decide to act on your crush.
Be wary of relationship hierarchy: 30% of workplace daters are involved with someone who is their superior. It is a good idea to consider how the success or failure of the relationship will affect your career future.
Decide if the relationship should be public: Again, this may vary due to company policy. If there is no rule against dating a co-worker, it may be a good idea to notify a superior just in case.
Manage social media responsibly: People upload pictures and change status messages often without considering the consequences. You'd be surprised who has access to your social networking page, so be careful with information that you share.
Leave relationship issues at home: Resist the urge to deal with relationship issues at work. It can make you and your partner look bad. Table conflictual conversations for after work hours.