Thursday, June 17, 2010

Google Baby - HBO Documentary

For a cost much less than in the U.S., people can use a surrogate in India to carry their baby.  After eggs and/or sperm is bought online, then freeze dried and shipped to India, it is implanted into a surrogate who will carry the baby to term.  Once the baby is born, the couple or individual travels to India to "pick up" their baby.

Also, women in the U.S. are selling their eggs as a source of income or to pay for a new house or upgrades to their current home.

These options help many who struggle to conceive a child, but how far is too far?  Comments?


  1. This has gone entirely tooooo far.

  2. I agree...there are better ways to help those who are infertile. In watching the film, you are saddened by the women in India who provide this "service".

    Thanks for your comment!

  3. "Google Baby" left me with the feeling that this world is out of control. Anything can be manufactured including a baby. I was really appalled by the casual attitude toward an "elective abortion" if too many embyros are produced. Also, the irony of the mother in Tennessee who will sell her eggs to give life, but has no problem buying guns with the money she's paid to kill wildlife. Finally, I was disgusted by the ancient and primitive views regarding women from the husband of an indian surrogate. Google Baby is not for me!!

  4. Exactly. You shared my thoughts almost to a tee. While I believe that we should exhaust many methods to help people conceive, this took it to an entirely different level.
    Thanks for your comment!
