Friday, October 29, 2010

People You Should "UN-Friend" On Facebook

Facebook has become a great forum for people to socialize, share daily events, and express their views.  As such, we forget that the company we keep, even in cyberspace, becomes a direct reflection of who we are.  Friends, family members, current and future employers, and strangers judge us (whether fair or not) based on information posted on our facebook page.  Therefore, many us may need to check our friend lists to edit what messages are being sent to others.  

"Un-friend", block, or change privacy settings for people who:

Post things that could interfere with your work or personal life. 

Continuously "poke" you after being asked not to.

"Facebook stalk" you.

Only make negative comments about your status updates and pictures.

Reveal personal information about you.

Bully you or other people.

Use information about you against you.

Use profanity, racial/ethnic slurs, or homophobic language.